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Sensual and Unpretentious Coupled with a Knowledgable and Attentive Staff - Review by citysearch c | Cork Screw

Cork Screw


Sensual and Unpretentious Coupled with a Knowledgable and Attentive Staff 10/29/2006

Wine bars are everywhere...kind of like coffee shops. What sets them apart is service, atmosphere and selection. The Corkscrew has all three. The owners are always on hand, which says a lot about how much they care about their customers. The staff are knowledgable, friendly...and rather attractive, if I do say so myself. It's also a great date place. The lighting a sensual, live jazz can be heard on Monday's and Tuesday's and there's always something compelling about a renovated 20th century brothel [it actually was]. I also like the fact that they are very active in promoting a wide variety of events and get to know their customers on a first name basis. Highly recommeded, particularly for those who want to avoid the pretentiousness and social veneer of other wine establishments. Pros: atmosphere, service, value Cons: parking problems on crowded nights more
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