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I don't see my change back!!! - Review by citysearch c | Student Movers

Student Movers


I don't see my change back!!! 9/8/2009

We used them for moving into our new house two month ago. I told them our apartment were small and we were gonna move a lot of the small things by ourselves. We did 6 car loads on our own so that we could save because we are house poor. Nonetheless, on the day of our move, they sent in a huge truck. Our stuff filled less than 1/3 of that truck. Packing took 1.5 hours. It took another 45 to 60 minutes to drive up to the north. Then unloading is another hour. By the time they are done, the bill was 480, which was not bad for professional movers, I guess. I made another mistake that I didn't feel comfortable pre-authorizing an unknown amount on my credit card the day before the move, so I told the dispatcher that I would pay cash. I gave them five 100-dollar bills. The movers took for granted that the change would be their tips. They didn't bother to give me any change back. When I finally asked, they simply said, they didn't carry any change. Man, that was some sense of entitlement. In this economy, we are hurting, too! Not just you! I called their company office right away. The guy promised they would cut me a check. Till today I don't see nothing in my mailbox. Pros: Professional movers Cons: Method of payment more
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