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DO NOT USE THIS TEMP AGENCY!!! - Review by citysearch c | Gem State Staffing

Gem State Staffing



Gem State Staffing is nothing more than a front for slave labor. My son was hurt while he was working for them in another state (WA) and they refused to get him medical attention. They kept telling him that ""it was not a serious injury"" and he was ""making a big deal about nothing"". I had to call the worthless Branch Manager in Boise and demand that my son be taken to see a physician before they finally took him to an ER in Spokane.(We live in Boise.) His arm was BROKEN!!! They also refused to take my son to get his perscription filled and he went without pain medication for more than 48 hours after breaking his arm. The Branch Manager kept telling me that the whole thing was ""No big deal!"" Cons: Everything you can think of that could be wrong with a temp agency is wrong with this one. more
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