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Never been treated so horribly by a salesperson - Review by citysearch c | Imelda's Shoes

Imelda's Shoes


Never been treated so horribly by a salesperson 9/19/2005

I went to Imeldas ready to by a pair of Dansko's. I found my size and was trying a pair on when a salesperson was looking me up and down(probably because I had visible tattoos) before informing me that I'm not suppose to try on shoes by myself because its dangerous to pull a box of shoes out....its for my own safety she said. I said ""oh sorry"" and she says you know they sell the same shoes across the street. I put the Dansko's that I was prepared to buy back in there place and went across the street. I was with a girlfriend of mine and when we got out of the store we looked at each other and both agreed that we have never ever been treated that badly while shopping....we are what some might call shopaholics so we have plenty of shopping experience:-) Cons: Bad salesperson more
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