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Businiess name:  Awesome Services, Inc.
Review by:  Guest
Review content: 
Owner was friendly. We have 10 properties in 2 states and 4 counties/boroughs. "Awesome Carpet Cleaners" is the WORST, most unprofessional cleaning business I have ever dealt with. Arriving promptly but talking for hours about how good he was, (He wanted me to notice how good his vacuum was but my vacuum (going over same area) afterwards picked up just as much "dirt" in the container. I had to leave and get supplies for handyman working) so gave him the check (he had raised the price when he arrived). Even though he was higher than others I usual use, he could get to me immediately. No receipt when I returned about 2 hours later. Carpet only damp in sport. Dust at edges by moldings, hair pins, paper clips, food, dirt spots still on carpet. I called to get receipt (needed for new tenants) and owner REFUSED to send me a RECEIPT for carpet cleaning at that address. He offered to come and re-do but I had no time, so used rug cleaning machine myself. My father had a carpet cleaning business when I was younger. Carpet wasn't even damp to my bare feet when I had returned (except few spots). I didn't have time, tenants were moving in next day and it was already evening. I have probably had carpets cleaned in rentals over 100 times and "Awesome Cleaners" is probably the 2nd Worst EVER. Only passed by a NEW cleaning person in Alaska who was fired by the owner who cleaned it perfectly.

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