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Editorial review from Citysearch - Review by citysearch c | Garza, Marcos M - Garza Law Firm Pllc

Garza, Marcos M - Garza Law Firm Pllc


Editorial review from Citysearch 11/20/2013

Summer 2009 started with the worst experience of my life, and thanks to Mr. Garza's help, it ended with one of the best experiences of my life. He fought my DUI case diligently and was extremely prepared when my court trial came along. The outcome was even better than both of us expected, and he had his work cut out for him. The hardest factor in the case was my being underage, but that didn't have any affect on his professionalism or the way he treated me personally. I owe a lot to this man. On a side note, ask for extra things you can do to help and DO them. They will do you more good than you think. more
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