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Editorial review from Citysearch - Review by citysearch c | Bradford D Myler & Assoc

Bradford D Myler & Assoc


Editorial review from Citysearch 8/30/2012

My tip for you Mr.Bradford Myler is to actually do for the people what your'e claiming you will do I am dismissing you as my attorneys due to the fact that I have to call you to get an update on my case and when you send me a letter and i ask to talk to you personally since you are the one who sent me the letter and i get an attiude from your receptionist it's time for me to roll out and get me a different laywer you need to talk to the people who work for you and when a client calls so many times and gets no response and then wants to talk to the head honcho you and gets an attiude for it that isn't a good thing and i think that if I call to talk to you because i'm getting no where with the lady i am assigned to i should be allowed to talk to you unless it's all just a bunch of bull crap and your just putting me off so that the lump sum is bigger so you can get more money from me that isn't cool i have bill collectors on my back wanting money and i am disabled not to mention the fact that your people keep sending me doc papers to have filled out that i have to have the same tests done over and over again and let me tell you that when i go through one test i am on total bed rest for the next two days that is how much pain the tests put me in and you want them filled out like every other month i ain't doing that any more i am getting another attorney and you will no longer represent me in my case i will not be refering anyone to ur firm ever so i hope you can straiten out ur people and maybe you will have a better buisness then goodbye!!!! more
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