Old Town Albuquerque is where the city originated 300 years ago. It is now a bustling tourist area with shops, museums, restaurants and even a Ghost Tour.
Old Town Albuquerque is a wonderful place to spend an afternoon wandering around the plaza shopping, visiting and learning about the history of Albuquerque.
The Plaza is dominated by the San Felipe de Neri Catholic church on the North side. You can tour the church or visit the museum with relics of the past 300 years.
The shops in Old Town range from your typical souvenirs to clothing stores to Art Galleries. If you have the time pick up a brochure for the local Ghost Tour that is held there nightly starting at 8pm. There is also a "Walking Tour of Old Town" offered by the Albuquerque Art Museum for $2 this is a fun tour that tells you about the history of the area as well as the architecture you will find there.