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Editorial review from Citysearch - Review by citysearch c | Richland Creek Animal Clinic

Richland Creek Animal Clinic


Editorial review from Citysearch 12/7/2012

Respond to Joni K.\r First time client came into RCAC and made a comment on Pet Med Mobile Facebook page on Saturday that she was “gouged” for services that her pet received. After management reviewed her case it was concluded that this client was not “gouged”. Saturday Exam price is $ 45.00 verses Monday through Friday at $ 38.00. A test was performed on the pet so correct medications would be dispensed to the animal to aide in the healing and recovery process. A steroid injection was given to help with the inflammation of the ears and for hips. Saturday exam, test (cytology), ear cleaning, steroid injection, medication, and prescribed ear wash was approved by the owner prior to services rendered. Richland Creek Animal Clinic and Pet Med Mobile do not “gouged” clients. We have clients coming in our office because we are more affordable than other veterinarian offices. We hope this pet is doing better with the treatment that was given because the ears were very inflamed and uncomfortable. We suggest to our Facebook family if they notice that their pets are scratching or shaking their head –please get it checked out and cared for to prevent the problem from intensifying and potentially forming into a hematoma or other costly problems.\r \r Respond to David B.\r David , just wanted to inform you that anesthesia will cause lethargy in some animals longer than others. I am sorry that we were not able to make you happy with our services. Maybe you will find that special vet that will meet your needs. We have had 7,381 new clients that have come to our office this year and have been pleased with our services , so we must be doing something right. Good luck in your search.\r \r Respond to Ginger S.\r I have investigated your complaint. Our receptionist can not give any medical advise over the phone. Our clients need to come in and talk with the doctors so that they can answer all questions that pertain to medical care.\r \r To other complaints about payment. We do apologize that we have to collect for all services that are rendered. The reason why: we have held payments in the past because clients would tell us they would come back with the payment and they never returned. If we as a business would continue this - we would not be in business today to offer care to other animals. more
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