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Wadda ya want - Review by Avery G | Arinell Pizza Inc

Arinell Pizza Inc

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Wadda ya want 4/29/2006

So, this guy, who doesn't look like he's supposed to have both eyes, gives me this puddle of grease with just enough pizza underneath it to protect the paper plate. Can I get some napkins? He grudgingly reaches under the counter and gives me a napkin. Can I get another napkin? What're you eatin, ribs? -- Kyle Baker, "Why I Hate Saturn" In these five sentences, Kyle Baker summarized the New York pizza experience, which is faithfully recreated at Arinell. You won't find any fru-fru California crap here - just a perfect thin slice, heated up until the melted cheese on top releases this nuclear-orange oil that, like the color should warn you, is just waiting to slide off into your mouth, or onto your shirt, scorching everything it touches. It's a beautiful thing. No tofu, ginseng, pesto or chicken. No sir! Only good New York toppings like bell peppers, sausage and pepperoni. Get a slice, throw on some oregano, parmasan, garlic salt and hot pepper flakes and hope to hell that the piece of waxed paper they use instead of a plate doesn't dissolve before you finish. Then go back, get another slice and start the process once again. If you're a New Yorker, you'll swear you're almost back home for a moment. Arinell is a definite 5 out of 5 - the only thing that could make it better is an egg cream or a Dr. Browns Black Cherry to wash it down. And remember: "Can I get a fork and a napkin? If I give you a fork, whatta you need a napkin for?" more
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