Zarembski Darren


98 Wood Ridge Dr
Stamford, CT 06905

(203) 324-7938
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All reviews seem negative


Very consistent with other reviews. He never shows up as agreed. He doesn't do what he says he will. He is UNRELIABLE. I wouldn't touch him with a 20' tree pruner....................

Very consistent with other reviews. He 5/10/2010

Very consistent with other reviews. He never shows up as agreed. He doesn't do what he says he will. He is UNRELIABLE. I wouldn't touch him with a 20' tree pruner...................... Pros: If he shows up, the work is decent Cons: Doesn't show up, always a story, bad news more

Run, Don't walk and hide your checkbook 4/4/2008

This guy is a BUM, a first-class con artist. He promised that he and his crew would show up and do a great job. The truth is that he has no crew and he doesn't show up when he promises to show. There is always an excuse or a story as to why he can't get the work done. Run away, and don't give him a cent as a ""deposit"" for the work. It will never get done. more
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Additional information
  • Neighborhoods: Newfield - Westover - Turn of River