Pier Pizza Co


6667 Post Rd
North Kingstown, RI 02852

(401) 886-9899
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Pier Pizza Co - North Kingstown, RI
Pier Pizza Co - North Kingstown, RI
Pier Pizza Co - North Kingstown, RI
Pier Pizza Co - North Kingstown, RI
Pier Pizza Co - North Kingstown, RI
Pier Pizza Co - North Kingstown, RI
Pier Pizza Co - North Kingstown, RI
Pier Pizza Co - North Kingstown, RI
Pier Pizza Co - North Kingstown, RI
Pier Pizza Co - North Kingstown, RI
Pier Pizza Co - North Kingstown, RI
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I have to confess that I do not feel any pizza joint in NK is so much better than another that the availability of coupons would make no difference. They all make decent pizza. ...


All reviews seem positive

Very Good Pizza.....Cheap On Coupons 8/7/2009

I have to confess that I do not feel any pizza joint in NK is so much better than another that the availability of coupons would make no difference. They all make decent pizza. So when I am in the mood I can be easily swayed by the value of whatever coupons I have hanging about on the 'fridge. Pier Pizza makes some really good specialty pizzas so I occasionally settle on them as a choice. But never is my selection of them because of a coupon. Their tightwads when it comes to their ""deals"". A dollar or two off with a charge of $25 or more etc. Nothing to squeeze your wallet about and smile. Give them a try if your in the mood for a really good , (or large, they have a huge one their available) pizza, but don't expect anything to write home about as far as saving any money with a coupn... Pros: Some Really Good Specialty Pizzas Cons: Tightwads On Coupons more
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Use year15 at checkout. Expires 1/1/2021
Additional information
  • Hours: Mon - Thurs, 11am - 8pm; Fri, Sat, 11am - 9pm; Sun, 11:30am - 8pm
  • Payments: Master Card, Visa