Andrew Pacholyk-Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine


635 Madison Ave (at 60th Street)
New York, NY 10022

(917) 843-3623
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After 1 treatment with Andrew to address my TMJ I experienced more positive results than the past 4 months of chiropractic and cranial work combined. The discomfort had become so...


I completely agree with user rabbitrun64 titled ""dubious reviews"" for his profile under a different address. The dude writes his own reviews. I went to him with a certain painfu...

Highly Regarded 10/14/2008

It is with amazing respect and admirable affection that I would love to recommend Dr. Pacholyk as your acupuncturist. I was a women facing the fact that I may not have any children and Dr. Pacholyk turned that bad dream around for me. He helped me through several miscarriages, IUI and IVF treatments with his skills and knowledge of herbal medicine and acupuncture and his utmost talent of compassion. He is a patient, gifted, intelligent and forthright practitioner who coaxes you along in away that not only heals you but shows you who you really are. He is a true vessel of the healing arts and deserves all the adoration, news coverage and love from his patients that he receives. I am the proud mother of a two year old girl and we now go to see Dr. Pacholyk for his skill in working with children as well as with new moms like me.\r He is tops on my list and should be on yours as well.\r Many Blessings, Mrs. Tina Tyrell.\r \r Pros: True professional in his field of expertise more

Got Pregnant with IVF and Andrew 5/21/2008

It is a very stressful thing to go through fertility treatments. The urge and desire to have a baby is one of the most important issue in many women's lives. What is even more important is that when you are trying to get pregnant, it is imperative you have a successful team around you! Andrew has been a huge part of this team. He has taught me so much about 'how' the entire process works, when the body is out of balance. I am blessed that he would treat me before and after my IVF. He came to the clinic to treat me the day of. He was there to pick up the pieces when it did not work the first two times. He was there once I became pregnant. I am currently in my 19th week and I owe so much of this to Andrew. \r \r I recommend you see Andrew, as he is a knowledgeable, trusted health care practitioner who understands the needs of any women who is going through this experience!\r \r I look forward to him treating my children and to carry on a long lasting health care relationship with him. You should too.\r Pros: INTELLIGENT more

Saw you on CBS News 4/25/2008

Hi Andrew, congratulations on that great pieces on CBS evening news! It was wonderful! I can attest to your wonderful treatments for facial rejuvenation. It has been a year since I came to you for help with my eyes, treating some fine lines around my nose and mouth and just an overall toning of my face and neck. I am so pleased with the work you did on me. I have continued the diet regimen we talked about as well as really getting into exercise now. I have seen a tremendous difference in my over all appearance and health as well. I did a lot of work to get there, but you really made it all a reality for me. Anyone who reads this review and is considering facial acupuncture, I recommend Andrew highly. By the way, I feel like it is time for a tune up, so you will see me soon. Much appreciation, Lisa Stienberg \r \r Pros: Exceptional practitioner ~ knows his medicine more

Connects on every level! 3/29/2008

Thanks for the connection! I am a deep believer in the amazing benefits of Asian energy healing ! Thanks for providing excellent service and knowledge to NYC ! Pros: Insightful healer! more

The Fertility Specialist 3/14/2008

I saw Andrew on CNN and seeked him out. I was able to get an appointment the following week and went to see him. I was so very impressed by his knowledge of both Western and Eastern information and he had much experience with working on fertility and NK cells. I took his herbs and saw him twice a week.\r With in 13 visits, I was pregnant! My first time! I have referred countless patients to Andrew as well as to my IVF doctor who has embraced his practice. He is deserving. And so are you! Go to this man. He will help.\r I offer you my highest recommendation. more

Pregnancy and Bell's Palsy 2/24/2008

I went to see Andrew about 4 months ago for problems with fertility. I was experiencing difficulties in getting pregnant because of my irratic period. Within about a month of treatments, I became pregnant and was so suprised!!! Now at 12 weeks I woke up one morning with tingling and numbness on one side of my face.\r Within hours the left side of my face was drooping down and I could barely speak. I was mortified. My doctors diagnosed me with bell''s palsy and prescribed prednisone! Well I went running back to Andrew for more help instead! Thank God I did. Andrew told me that this is more common in pregnant women and that with a few weeks of acupuncture treatments, we could significantly improve my face. Well I visited him 3 times a week for two weeks and my face is BACK TO NORMAL! Again, so amazed at the power of acupuncture, I am beyond hooked. I have to thank Andrew for so so much. He is a caring, compassionate, and passionate about his work! He is positive and life affirming! He has given me a baby and my appearance back. What more could any girl ask for. THANK YOU!!! In Gratitude, Ella Pros: Life Affirming, Positive Attitude, Compassionate more

Stopped Smoking 2/17/2008

I am so grateful I found Andrew! Through his expertise and compassion, I have found the doctor with the right blend of knowledge, know how and empathy to understand my problems and how to get me to where I wanted to be. I was a smoker for 20 years. Over time, my treatments with Andrew helped me to stop smoking and lose wieght. It was not easy, I must admit but with his guidance and encouragement, amazing treatments and herbal recommendation I gained more insight and become so much more healthier, thanks to him. I recommend him highly! Pros: Expect in his field more

A regular period, thanks to you! 10/25/2007

Hi Andrew, \r Just wanted to thank you again for all your help. After this past menstrual cycle, I am beginning to feel what it is really like to be ""regular"" and ""normal. I feel so well balanced these days! You have given me my life and my confidence back and I could never be more happy and at peace! Thank you again and, as usual, I will be in touch. \r \r You have a real and incredible spirit gift! \r \r Marlee Wilcox\r Telson Dimes Gray| Advertising\r Pros: A wonderful doctor!! Cons: I should have found him sooner! more

My new baby girl 10/19/2007

How can I ever bring to light the most grateful feelings I have for this man! I have never experienced a caring doctor such as Andrew. He really puts the Western medical doctors to shame in the compassion department. I went to Andrew with infertility issues. I found him here on city search and was so impressed by what others have said about him and his healing work, I had to experience it first hand. He has achieved success where my gynecologist failed! I now have a healthy, baby girl, Iris Marie, and all thanks to the knowledgable, professional, focused practitioner, Andrew Pacholyk. Run, don't walk to see this man.\r He is everything, I have read about him...(just try googling his name) and you will learn first hand what he can do for you. \r \r Great blessings to you! Pros: Run, don't walk to see him! more

Great Weight Loss Approach 10/8/2007

I found Andrew through his web site, Peacefulmind. His approach to weight control has changed my life. The first session, Andrew explained the entire process so that I could understand. What he would take about in western medicine, he would explain the equivalent in Chinese medicine theory. We did acupuncture the first visit and it was simply mind blowing for me. The sensations I experienced were incredible the entire week after the session. I had no cravings, I felt energized and I have not slept so deep since I was a kid!!! What I really loved about my sessions with Andrew has been the way we talk about my emotional issues that get in the way of me moving forward in my life. He is a master at this!! I had no idea I would be getting such a great therapist as well! I'm down 25 lbs in two and half months and boy, do I feel great. Don't walk..... run to see this man! Cordially, Helia \r \r Pros: Intuitive Angel !!! more

TMJ and Neck Pain 9/13/2007

8 sessions got rid of my TMJ after 10 years of suffering and pain. Andrew, thank you. Your execises and great cranial work on my neck has helped me like you would not believe. \r \r I no longer have the serious headaches, tension in my face, radiating pain and neck spasms!!!\r \r You have the gift. I recommend you to everyone (as you now know!!)\r \r Thank you.\r Jeffery more

Amazing, effective healer 8/18/2007

I haven't posted a review on City Search before, but I think Andrew is definitely worth posting about! I went to see Andrew because of ongoing sleep issues, and have found him to be an engaging, intuitive and an amazingly effective healer. I have been doing acupuncture as well as herbs because of it, I am more relaxed during the day and night, sleeping better and having better concentration. I had to take a month off from my weekly visits due to business travel and vacation and had a noticible increase in stress level (even with vacation!) That was further proof the treatments I was receiving from Andrew were truly making a difference. \r \r I also had stiffness in my knees after sitting still in a movie theater or aiprlane. When I mentioned this to Andrew, he altered his prescribed acupunture regimen to include my knees and the stiffness is hardly noticiable now. \r \r The quality I like most about Andrew is he treats the body as well as the mind. He gathers a much more detailed history than I've had performed in a western medicine office visit, and this is one of the reasons (as stated in other reviews here) he is able to connect to his patients--he genuinely takes an interest in your life in addition to what is bringing you into his office.\r \r I can't recommend him highly enough.\r \r Pros: In tune with others, extensive knowledge and expertise more

Andrew Rocks! 8/13/2007

I went to Andrew for digestive issues and found it to only be the result of much more emotional issues with my boyfriend. Then it was the relationship between me and my mother, then my coworkers.... As Andrew pointed out my repetitive patterns, I kept finding my very own solutions to what was causing my digestive problems in the first place! Yes, I did acupuncture and I went through a few months with herbs, but these were the icing on the cake for me and helped to solve my physical aliments. What Andrew did for me, that I had no intention on seeing him about, was my emotional healing.\r Oh, Andrew, I hope that even a third of New York can get to experience your healing gifts! You better write a book! Pros: SO in tune with the physical as he makes that emotional connection, every time!!!! more

A Life Coach For The 21st Century! 7/26/2007

I had no idea what I was getting into when I came to see Andrew. That was 6 months ago. I am a regular with him now! He started out treating me for a sore back and knee problem. With each visit I was able to ask so many questions. Questions I could never ask my Western doctor, nor would he have time for. Andrew is very knowledgeable with Western Medicine and if very willing to express his views on Eastern medicine and their take on things. Each week we would keep up rooting emotional connections that seemed to be underlying issues that would keep coming up.... at work, with relationships and at home. His life coach experience, I soon learned was extensive and dealt out in small doses but with earth shattering clarity and profound truths. He's better than my therapist, even. I'd rather go for some great acupuncture with a side of clarity! more

Helping me to deal with Depression and Anger 7/17/2007

Hi Andrew\r \r I just read your article about anger and how it relates to Spring.\r \r I have been feeling oddly more depressed and anxious these last few weeks. I have regular acupuncture and herbal medicine prescribed by you and it had greatly reduced the amount of anxiety that I had.\r \r I have questioned my psycho-therapist on why I am feeling this way now. There are definately external factors that we can contribute to the flare ups I am experiencing but we weren't sure why.\r \r Reading your article brought home that I do have a lot to be angry about and I have been trying to resolve them and take responsibility but the process is slow and long and sometimes they don't turn out like I\r would like. \r \r Your article also helped to validate my feelings and the steps that I have taken to work on the issues are similar to those that you had mentioned in your article.\r \r This makes my acupuncture sessions with you even more enlightening!\r \r Thank you. \r Ronald Weitz more

Cramping Pain from Endometriosis 5/31/2007

God bless you. After two treatments with you, I have no more pain!! I don't know how you do what you do, but it is amazing that I am not suffering. I have suffered for years with cramping pain, irregular periods and fibroids. My doctors have given me every anti-inflammatory and pills I can't even pronounce!\r \r Two treatments have alleviated my pain. Even after the first treatment, I felt wonderful. It is incredible to wake up in the morning feeling great. I almost forgot what that felt like.\r \r Andrew, I look forward to our next visits! more

Great for Stress 5/12/2007

I went to Andrew because I was feeling stressed and tired. I was getting enough sleep but not restful sleep. I was not sure why I was getting all of these symptoms. I started getting treated by Andrew and and almost immediately started feeling some relief. My stress decreased, my sleep improved and my energy was up. I started feeling more balanced. I highly recommend Andrew for anyone experiencing these vague symptoms without any true ""medical"" reason. He has really helped me improve how i feel. Pros: Very easy to talk to more

Resolved My Digestive Issues, Thank You! 5/11/2007

Hi Andrew\r I wanted to thank you for helping me with my digestive issues. Since seeing you I have eliminated gluten and dairy from my diet. I've also been working out more, which has been a great help. Although I still get only occasional bloating it hasn't been half as bad. I'm hoping to eliminate completely. You helped me when even my doctors and specialist could not.\r \r Thanks again for everything. I hope to come in soon for a visit.\r \r Best Regards,\r \r Daniel Wallston Pros: Very persistent in finding the answers. more

Relief for Eczema 4/29/2007

I started seeing Andrew in September last year, just before my recurring eczema was about to start during the fall/winter months between October-March. I have experienced very dry, flaky skin with red itchy rashes for the past 30 years (early childhood). Over the past 10 years I have unsuccessfully tried alternative medicine to avoid the not so healthy Western Medicine creams, so I was at the point of just ""try and see -- nothing to loose"". I saw Andrew every week from Sept thru March this year. During this time, he treated me with acupuncture and Chinese herbs; occasionally he added extra acupuncture needles for other minor maladies (e.g. swollen knee from an injury). His treatment helped me so much that I hardly experienced any symptoms this year. After trying to find a solution for so many years, Andrew?s diagnosis and treatments were surprisingly effective and efficient. I will continue with him again next fall. more

Pregnancy Treatment from Start to Finish 4/28/2007

I work with Andrew for 6 months through his infertility treatments. I am so pleased that I hung in there and kept up the special care Andrew offered to me as he worked effortlessly to assist me in getting pregnant. \r Thanks to him and his herbs (ugh!) I overcome my endometriosis and became pregnant!!\r \r Andrew treated me right through my first trimester. \r \r When the baby was turned around, I went to Andrew who in one treatment was able to breech the baby and turn him in the right direction!\r \r When the baby was 2 and half weeks late, Andrew induced labor to help me in giving a happy and healthy birth!\r \r I cannot ever thank him enough from start to finish. Unbelieveable!!!\r \r All our blessing, \r \r Mr and Mrs. Jonathon Anwaro Pros: DO NOT HESITATE TO SEE THIS VERY BUSY, MAN more
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Owner Message
  • Are you dealing with cysts or fibroids? An irregular or no period? Coping with PCOS or have been diagnosed with infertility? Are you about to undergo IUI or IVF treatments? I can help! I have been treating infertility and women's health issues for over 15 years! Whether its getting pregnant naturally or seeking some assistance, I can treat you... EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.

Additional information
  • Hours: Mon 08:00am-08:00pm, Wed 08:00am-08:00pm, Fri 08:00am-08:00pm
  • Payments: Master Card, Visa
  • Neighborhoods: Upper East Side, Midtown, Lenox Hill